2011 and Networking Income Opportunities

     You ready?  It is a brand new year and time to set all our new years resolutions.  Have you set yours yet?  How many people have set theirs as make more money or lose weight.  That is about 68% of the population by my best estimation.  Every year tens of thousands of us set our resolutions and decide that this will be the year.  This will be the year we get it right.  Get back into shape and increase that bank account 10 fold.  Have the life we have always dreamed about.

     We all start out with the best of intentions.  We really do.  But the fact of the matter is we fail or we wouldn't make the same resolutions every year.  Why do we fail.  It is the old saying "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail".

If you want to achieve your goals in 2011 you need a plan.  A plan to get healthy both physically and financially.

     In the past a lot of us have turned to network marketing to help us achieve these goals.  The reason being is that it satisfies both of our goals.  Financially, it gives us the vehicle we need to leverage our time and go after those lofty financial goals.  Physically we find that over 75% of the network marketing companies that are out there are involved in the nutrition industry.  And lets face it, most of us are lacking nutrition in our daily lives anyway.  So combining the 2 of them makes sense.

    If it makes so much sense,  why are we back right were we started.  Remember what I said about planning? 

What is your plan.  Their are literally thousands of network marketing companies that exist today. So how do you choose?  How do you determine which vehicle you are going to hitch your wagon to?  My advice is to do some research, check out several different companies.  When you find the right company you will know it.

     I have researched many, many companies.  I was involved in several until I found the one that best fit me and what I believed.  One of the things that I was looking for was something that was very affordable.  I wanted something that would affordable for everyone and that anyone on a very tight budget could get involved with.  I wanted a company that was very simple and that anyone could duplicate.  To me that is one of the most important things.  Duplication is the key to long term success.  If we can create a simple system for people to follow, that is affordable and that anyone can do, then you will have success.  If your business is built on all kinds of advanced marketing strategies and large advertising  budgets then you will have short term success but not long term success.  These are the people who need to recruit hundreds and hundreds of people to maintain their income.  They need to constantly be putting people into their program because they are creating no duplication. They don't care that 97% of their organization is failing. As long as they were selling their  tapes or cds on how great they are and how far they have come.  I wasn't interested in that kind of program or being involved with those kind of people.  Believe me they are out there and many of you know what I am talking about.  That is why when I came across One24 it was like a breath of fresh air.  The program was developed my Mark Seyforth with the intention of making it so we can all be successful.  The love hate relationship a lot of us have shared with this industry arouse out of the failure rate.  It is hard for us to share somthing with our friends and family when we know that only 3% will be successful.  But with One24 it is easy to see why it will go viral so very quickly.  The success rate will be much higher.  Check out the video for yourself and see why I believe with all my heart that One24 will be a giant in the home based business industry.  VIDEO

You can also check out my website at www.brucepatrick.com  or visit my other site at www.workwithbrucepatick.com


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