
Showing posts from September, 2011





Social & Network Marketing

Social & Network Marketing

Why you should never quit One24 and why you should be a part of it

Hot off the presses from Doc Fran: Dear Team, It’s Sunday, September 11, 2011 and I ‘m looking forward to the brightest future imaginable thanks to ONE24. I want to give you some stats to think about as we are progressing steadily towards our individual Financial Security with this amazing business model. I have enrolled 9 Greens and 4 Golds personally since December, 2010. At the end of August, total Residual income equals just under $13,000, on a total cost of $750, yielding an ROI of 1633%! That equates to $1444 per month from day 0 in December or a staggering $1000 per personal enrollment! And, Team, it’s all RESIDUAL Income, not inflated front-end bonuses and business builder pack baloney. If that doesn’t stoke your fire, consider this. The Silver Performance Bonus pool is the sleeping Giant for all of us. This month it went from under 1/10 of a penny to .001347, with the increase in % in the pool. As we grow now through the fall, that value will continue to grow

One24 is Unique!

I get asked quite often, "What makes One24 so different"? You know that is a very fair question that I will try to explain. Let's start from the beginning. I was first introduced to this industry in 1986 while I was on business is Salt Lake City, Utah. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say that I was less than impressed. I had known some people in one of those companies, you know the Amway’s and herbalife people and I knew way more than they did! Boy was I stupid, I really knew nothing about any of these companies and made a judgment without ever really looking into it. By the way the first person who introduced me to this industry and I laughed at was one of the founders of a small company that is still around today. It was called NuSkin, maybe you have heard of it.. Haha Anyway, fast forward a few years and I got to know a gentleman by the name of Hector LaMarq. Hector was one of the top producers for another company that m

Information about One24 and my thoughts
